
Dorian LaGuardia

Work is the only thing that separates us from the dogs.

Shopping During an Epidemic

Shopping During an Epidemic

That dreary shortening
Of focusing, nuggets left dry
When casually slippery wet
Wrinkled coy hands
Dipped long in rapids
Finger nail scraped 
Against loosely neglected stones.

That pummelling of porridge
Rot stuck between both ears
Razor blade butterflies
Flapping the flattering of grey stains
Fading custard breath 
Words tossed in streams
Mumbles cut clean
Against masked people in line.

That inevitable contracting
Of focusing, stones left alone
When dust obscures utility
Static blurred malls
Marooned empty shelves
Finger nail scraped
Against things we just don’t need. 

Dorian LaGuardia

Poetry in Blood

Poetry in Blood

Foreign Son

Foreign Son